FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
賈永婕圓夢把玄彬邀來台北101 發粉色底文:我現在沒朋友了
台北101董事長賈永婕去年9月上任時,就表示想辦活動找玄彬剪綵,甚至請他當代言人,可見自己是玄彬的迷妹身分。近日,玄彬跟電影劇組《哈爾濱》來台宣傳,昨(17日)記者會辦在台北101双融域AMBI SPACE ONE,賈永婕低調現身坐第一排,今甚至發粉紅泡泡文,笑說「我現在沒朋友了」。
FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
據知,電影《哈爾濱》的記者會原定辦在玄彬下榻的君悅飯店,之後突然改地點為台北101「双融域AMBI SPACE ONE」活動空間;昨賈永婕便在IG限時動態分享有好事發生,曬出自己喝美顏飲料的自拍照,笑說:「我不敢相信是夢一場嗎?趕快補充膠原蛋白喝起來」。
以下文章來自: https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20250117002084-260404