FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
李杰明坦言自己是100%控制狂,看著外表斯文又紳士的李杰明自爆如此直白的慾望,讓陳芳語驚出O型嘴,直喊:「Wow⋯so deep。」李杰明解釋:「我很篤定的知道控制人是不對的,但我又努力壓抑自己想控制別人、來滿足我壓抑不安的情緒,才會那樣去糾結。」
文章出自: https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20241113004874-260404